Learning Objectives


1. To discover the relationship between cultural influences and the architectural development in South Vietnam

2. To have a deeper understanding of urban planning issues and the interplay of the matrices of determinants involving physical attributes, commercial feasibility, social fabrics as well as political factors in particular relating to Generation Z (Those born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s).

3. To be aware of the impact of rapid urbanization on the environment and the need for sustainable development in the urban planning process.

4. To gain an insight of Singapore’s strengths in urban planning and sustainable environmental management skill-sets

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 4—Grace Tan Soo Woon

At the Can Gio Biosphere, I learnt the importance of saving the environment and the need of increasing the number of trees. Through the physical experience of planting the mangrove shoots, I learnt how hard the workers have to work to plant such shoots to save the earth.
From the trip to the house of a villager I learnt how hard it is to earn a living in rural areas and how hard it is to earn money from farming shrimp and taking care of part of the forest.
Lastly, I learnt that everyone has to play their part in taking care of the Earth and through the visit to the house of the villager who seemed happy even though his family was living in a kampong like area with resources barely enough to support the family I learnt to be grateful for what I already have and know that I am lucky to live in a developed country like Singapore.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know that you have begun to appreciate the things that you have! :D
